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Online Transportation Services in Indonesia

Online transportation services are already well-known and well accepted in developed countries such as the USA and Europe countries. In Indonesia, this type of service is now getting popular and many international companies were already started to expand their market in Indonesia. However, what is exactly online transportation service ? Some studies use the term ride sharing to define online transportation services. According to Wallsten (Munajat, 2017), it is called ride sharing due to the cars or vehicle used is owned by individual which is then ‘shared’ with other when delivering the services. In Indonesia, the hype of online transportation was started when GO-JEK was founded in 2010. GO-JEK began with 20 drivers and now they already have more than 200 thousand drivers in several big cities in Indonesia. The application for GO-JEK was launched in early 2015 and now being continuously upgraded. In 2014, Uber entered Indonesia market and followed by Grab in 2015. Those three are th...

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